Isn't that Calamity Jane quote so awesome? Happy International Women's Day! I wanted to write a post dedicated to the women in my life, so here we go. My mom is legit the coolest. My mom was the first female firefighter in her hometown, where she volunteered for 10 years and won the "Pioneer Women of the 90s Award" from our home county. She went on to own her own business while still being an amazing mom and making most of my brother's and my sports games, driving us to our extra curriculars, and being there when we forgot a project or paper at home. My mom is tech savvy and knowledgable at DIY home repair and crafting too. She does it all. My cousins. I have a ton of first cousins. Eleven of them are females and of the ones that are old enough, pretty much all of them have gone into a service field, either becoming teachers or as first responders. My cousin Jessica was the first female in my family to become a police officer, and even though I'm not super close with the majority of my cousins, I remember the immense pride I had for her and for women in general as I attended her graduation from the police academy. I am so proud of what all my cousins do and how they are great role models for the younger ones. On my mom's side, I have one younger female cousin and she is so important to me. I've watched her grow and know that she looks up to me. I am so thankful for the relationship I have with her, because I was never very close with my cousins on my dad's side, even though I looked up to them. My grandmas. I didn't know my grandma on my dad's side very well at all before she fell ill. However, she was a mother to six children which in itself is a feat. I've looked through photos of her and can see how much love she had for her family. My grandma on my mom's side I'm very close with. She is loving and caring, curious and patient, and will make sure you never go hungry! I've been so lucky to have her in my life. You can bet she's at every recital, many sports games, school concerts, and even visits me up at school. My teachers. My teachers have always been empowering, which is so so important. The majority of your childhood is spent in school, so to have had good teachers who helped me learn, grow, and become the person I am today has obviously impacted me incredibly deeply. Even camp counselors and teachers have inspired me to be the best person I can. My friends. College has been the best experience for finding quality friends. Friends should lift you up, be honest, and support you. I'm lucky to have a few friends like that from my childhood. When I make a friend, I assume that the friend I make is for life. What's the point of thinking your friend is for anything less than that? Thanks to all the women in my life. You gals inspire me every day. Today is for all of us, but every other day is too.
Hi, I'm Sam.low-waste living, recipes, DIYS, style, sustainability, and travel. Categories
August 2022